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Tummy Tuck Surgery for Men in Jacksonville, Florida.

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As weight loss increases, many patients want to remove loose skin and excess fat left behind.  Patients may have lost weight using diet medication like semaglutide or phentermine, diet and exercise, or even bariatric surgery. However, the method of losing weight does not matter. A person can have a surgeon abdominal wall and abdominal muscles but still have excess skin.

The answer is a tummy tuck. The tummy tuck surgery is a perfect example that not all plastic surgery is for women. Men loose weight as well and have hanging skin and fat. So what is the biggest difference for a male tummy tuck before and after?

One of the biggest differences between a female and male tummy tuck is the abdominal contours. The female waist is more tapered like an hour glass. Males on the other hand are straighter and more of a “Y” shape. 

The surgeon takes account of these differences in abdominal contours during a male tummy tuck procedure. The surgeon aims to create a more masculine appearance by focusing on enhancing the straightness of the abdominal area. By removing excess skin and fat, the surgeon can help define the muscles and create a flatter, more toned abdomen.

The surgeon often performs liposuction at the time of surgery to help with the contour of the abdomen and flanks. Many men want to address their love handles as well, which is easily accomplished. 

During the surgery, the surgeon may also treat any hernias or muscle separation present. This not only fixes the problem but also improves the overall appearance. This can also restore strength and functionality.

The surgery itself is an outpatient surgery performed in a surgery center. The patient goes home after recovering from surgery the same day. The surgery only takes about an hour and a half to perform. The surgeon usually places a drain to help collect any extra fluid and help the body heal faster.

Recovery from a male tummy tuck is similar to that of a female tummy tuck. We tell our patients to take it easy for the first few weeks, avoiding strenuous activities and heavy lifting. For the first week, we recommend that the patient takes it very easy. Weeks two through four, they can listen to their bodies and ease back into activity.

Men are typically stronger than women, and are used to lifting heavier objects.  We often have to reiterate the importance of avoiding heavy lifting. It is important to follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing and minimize the risk of complications. Patients can shower the next day, but cannot soak or swim until everything is healed over. 

Most patients are able to start weaning off of the strong narcotic medication in three to five days. Most patient seem to “turn the corner” between seven and ten days. Once off of pain medication, patients are able to do things that require thinking, such as desk work and driving.

As with most cosmetic and plastic surgeries, patients will notice a big difference right away. Most of the swelling goes down in about a month, but patients should expect final results within three to six months. 

At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Jacksonville, Florida, we provide all the garments that are required after surgery. Most patients will require an abdominal binder, and we offer provide an extra, so one can be clean at all times. 

Please feel free to look through our male tummy tuck before and after pictures in our galleries .  Every patient’s journey is unique.  At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Jacksonville, Florida, we look forward to helping you achieve your individual goals, whatever they might be.

In conclusion, a male tummy tuck is a specialized procedure designed to address the unique needs and aesthetic goals of men. By considering the differences in abdominal contours and incision placement, the surgeon can achieve a more masculine and natural-looking result. Whether it's excess skin, stubborn fat, or muscle separation, a tummy tuck can help men regain confidence in their appearance and achieve a more sculpted abdomen.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.