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Breast Implants and Breastfeeding: What You Need to Know in Jacksonville, Fl

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At Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Jacksonville, Florida, we have many patients with breast implants who are interested in breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding is a natural and essential aspect of motherhood, providing numerous benefits to both the baby and the mother. However, for women who have had breast augmentation with implants, concerns may arise about the compatibility of breast implants with breastfeeding. In this blog, we will explore the important aspects of breast implants and breastfeeding, addressing common questions and concerns that mothers may have.

Understanding Breast Implants 

Breast implants, which are often used in cosmetic or reconstructive surgeries, come in two primary types: saline and silicone implants. Saline implants consist of a silicone shell filled with sterile saltwater, while silicone implants contain a cohesive silicone gel. Both types can be placed either under the chest muscle (submuscular) or directly behind the breast tissue (subglandular).

Breast Implants and Breastfeeding: Key Considerations

Breast Implants Should Not Affect Milk Production

The presence of breast implants does not typically affect a woman's ability to produce breast milk. Milk production is primarily regulated by hormonal factors, and breast implants should not interfere with these processes. Therefore, most women with breast implants can breastfeed their babies without issues related to milk supply.

Nipple Sensation and Milk Letdown Reflex

Some women with breast implants may experience changes in nipple sensation. In some cases, this can affect the milk letdown reflex, which is the process by which milk is released from the mammary glands. While this can pose challenges for some women, it is not an absolute barrier to breastfeeding. Lactation consultants and healthcare professionals can provide guidance on techniques to stimulate milk flow and address any issues with nipple sensation.

Incision Placement Matters

The location of the incision made during breast implant surgery can impact breastfeeding. Incisions made around the areola may have a slightly higher risk of interfering with milk ducts or causing scarring that affects milk flow. However, most incisions can be performed in a way that minimizes such risks. If you are considering breast implants and plan to breastfeed in the future, discuss the incision options with your surgeon.

Consult a Lactation Consultant

Whether you have breast implants or not and plan to breastfeed, Dr. Caplin advises to consult with a lactation consultant before and after giving birth. A lactation consultant can provide guidance, address any concerns, and help you with breastfeeding techniques, ensuring the best possible experience for you and your baby. Hospitals generally have them on staff, and you can request while there.  If you plan on pumping, Dr. Caplin recommends bringing your pump with you, so the consultant can help teach you how to use it. 


Breast implants should not be a deterrent to breastfeeding. Most women with breast implants can breastfeed successfully with proper support and guidance from healthcare professionals. While there may be unique challenges associated with breast implants, they can be addressed, allowing mothers to enjoy the numerous benefits of breastfeeding. It's essential to consult with your surgeon and a lactation consultant to ensure a smooth breastfeeding experience, and remember that each individual's experience may vary. 

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