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Are Tummy Tucks Safe in Jacksonville, Florida? What you need to know!

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Tummy tucks, also known as abdominoplasty , are a popular cosmetic procedure in Jacksonville, Florida. Many individuals seek this surgery to achieve a flatter and more toned abdomen. But the question that often arises is, are tummy tucks safe in Jacksonville?

The answer is a resounding yes when experienced surgeons perform them. These professionals have undergone rigorous training and possess the necessary expertise to ensure a successful and secure procedure. Dr. Courtney Caplin and Dr. Erik Nuveen are both triple board certified cosmetic surgeons (ABCS, ABFCS, ABOMS). 

Jacksonville boasts a thriving medical community, with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technologies. The city is home to numerous reputable clinics and hospitals that prioritize patient safety and well-being. These institutions adhere to strict safety protocols and maintain high standards of care, providing patients with peace of mind. Dr. Caplin and Dr. Nuveen operate at River City Surgery Center, which is conveniently located next to their clinic.

Before undergoing a tummy tuck, it is crucial to consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon in Jacksonville. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will evaluate your medical history, discuss your goals, and conduct a thorough examination. This comprehensive assessment helps determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure and ensures that any potential risks or complications are addressed.

Your surgeon will calculate your body mass index (BMI). The BMI is an equation that uses your height and weight. Although every individual is different, generally your surgeon will want your BMI less than 36. Your surgeon will also review any medical conditions you may have and any medications that your are taking. 

Prior to surgery your surgeon will request updates labs and may or may not request and EKG or additional clearance letters. After evaluating these results, you can proceed with surgery.

Patients who have had significant amount of weight loss are often interested in this cosmetic surgery. The surgical process itself involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal area, tightening the underlying muscles of the abdominal wall, and repositioning the belly button.

 While tummy tucks are generally safe, it is important to note that like any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks. These may include infection, blood clots, poor wound healing, bleeding, scarring, or adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, a skilled surgeon and proper post-operative care can minimize these risks.

Blood clots are one of the biggest concerns with this cosmetic surgical procedure. After tummy tuck procedures, we encourage our patients to walk every hour while awake. Early ambulation decreases  the risk of blood clots forming in the legs. Additionally, we give our patient compression stalkings to wear and use leg squeezers (sequential compression devices) during surgery.

Although we encourage early ambulation, we do ask patients to take it easy. We ask patients not to do anything that could raise their blood pressure which could increase the risk of complications. Primarily, we worry that this could lead to bleeding. 

During the time of this plastic surgery, the surgeon makes sure nothing is bleeding. However, a simple coughing spell could cause one of the blood vessels to start bleeding again.  If this happens and collects inside the body, it is a hematoma. Although this does not often change the long term result, it is a bump in the road we would rather avoid.

To prevent any potential complications, we advise patients to refrain from engaging in strenuous activities or lifting heavy objects. It's crucial for them to prioritize rest and relaxation during the recovery period. We understand that it can be tempting to resume normal activities, but it's important to remember that patience is key in achieving the desired outcome.

During the plastic surgery procedure, the surgeon takes great care to ensure that there is no bleeding. However, even a seemingly harmless action like coughing can disrupt this delicate balance. A sudden bout of coughing can trigger a blood vessel to start bleeding again, leading to the formation of a hematoma. This occurs when blood collects internally, creating a small bump under the skin.

While a hematoma may not significantly impact the final result of the surgery, it can cause temporary discomfort and prolong the healing process. To avoid this setback, we strongly advise patients to follow the post-operative instructions provided by their surgeon. These instructions typically include avoiding activities that could increase blood pressure, such as intense exercise or straining during bowel movements.

By adhering to these guidelines, patients can minimize the risk of complications and ensure a smoother recovery journey. It's important to remember that healing takes time, and by taking it easy, patients can enhance their overall experience and achieve the best possible outcome from their plastic surgery procedure.

Recovery from a tummy tuck typically takes several weeks. We advise patients to follow their surgeon's instructions diligently. This may include wearing compression garments, avoiding strenuous activities, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By adhering to these guidelines, patients can optimize their healing process and achieve the desired outcome.

In conclusion, tummy tucks are considered safe in Jacksonville, Florida, when performed by experienced and qualified cosmetic surgeons. With the city's robust medical infrastructure and commitment to patient safety, individuals can confidently pursue this procedure to enhance their abdominal appearance. However, it is crucial to consult with a reputable surgeon and prioritize post-operative care to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.